The phrase 'best of breed' refers to the highest quality or most superior example within a particular category or group.
When do you use "Best of breed"?
Use this phrase when discussing products, services, or individuals that stand out as the best among their competitors in a specific category. It is often used in marketing, technology, and business contexts.
"Best of breed" Usage Examples
Our new software solution is considered the best of breed in the industry, offering unmatched performance and features.
The restaurant was awarded 'best of breed' for its innovative approach to farm-to-table dining.
In the automotive sector, this electric vehicle is hailed as the best of breed for its efficiency and sustainability.
She has consistently produced best of breed results in her sales performance over the last five years.
The conference featured speakers who are best of breed in their respective fields, providing valuable insights.
"Best of breed" Explained
The term originates from dog breeding, where 'best of breed' is awarded to the top dog in a specific breed at a dog show. It signifies excellence and superiority in that specific classification, and over time, it has been adopted in various fields, including business and technology, to denote the top-performing product or service in its category.