To return to the original point or situation after a series of events or changes.
When do you use "Come full circle"?
Use this phrase when discussing situations, events, or experiences that have evolved over time and have ended up back where they started, or when referencing a process that has completed a cycle.
"Come full circle" Usage Examples
After years of working in different cities, she came full circle and returned to her hometown.
In the final episode of the series, the story came full circle, mirroring the events of the first episode.
He started his career in the same industry and, after many years of experience, came full circle by founding his own company in that field.
Their friendship went through ups and downs, but eventually, they came full circle and became best friends again.
The project faced many challenges, but after much deliberation, it ultimately came full circle to the original design.
"Come full circle" Explained
The phrase 'come full circle' originates from the idea of a circle being a closed loop. When you travel along a circular path, you eventually return to your starting point. This concept is often used metaphorically to describe situations where a person or a situation has undergone a series of changes and ultimately returns to its original state or condition.