To have a clear runway means to have unobstructed conditions or a favorable situation that allows for progress or action without hindrance.
When do you use "Have a clear runway"?
This phrase is appropriate in professional or personal contexts when discussing plans, projects, or initiatives that can proceed without obstacles or complications.
"Have a clear runway" Usage Examples
With all the necessary approvals in place, we finally have a clear runway to launch the new marketing campaign.
After resolving the budget issues, the project manager announced that they now have a clear runway to start development.
Once the team addressed all the feedback, they felt they had a clear runway to finalize the product before the deadline.
The removal of the legal constraints gave the company a clear runway to expand its operations into new markets.
After the restructuring, the CEO stated that the organization now has a clear runway for innovation and growth.
"Have a clear runway" Explained
The phrase 'have a clear runway' originates from aviation, where a clear runway signifies that an aircraft can take off or land safely without any obstacles. In a metaphorical sense, it has come to represent any situation in life or work where there are no barriers to achieving a goal.