What does "The ball is in your court" mean?

Here is a short explanation of what the phrase "The ball is in your court" means.

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What does "The ball is in your court" mean?

The phrase 'the ball is in your court' means that it is now your responsibility to take action or make a decision.

When do you use "The ball is in your court"?

Use this phrase when you want to indicate that someone needs to make a decision or take action after you have provided them with options or information.

"The ball is in your court" Usage Examples

  1. I've done all I can to help; now the ball is in your court.
  1. She gave you all the information you need, so the ball is in your court now.
  1. After presenting my proposal, I feel like the ball is in their court to decide.
  1. I've sent my application; now the ball is in their court to respond.
  1. You know what you want to do, so the ball is in your court.

"The ball is in your court" Explained

This idiom originates from the game of tennis, where players take turns hitting the ball to each other. When the ball is in your court, it indicates that it is your turn to respond or act, emphasizing the shift of responsibility from one player to another.

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