To achieve a small, immediate success that can boost confidence or momentum.
When do you use "Have a quick win"?
This phrase is appropriate in contexts such as team meetings, project planning, or discussions about strategy where quick achievements can help maintain momentum and encourage further efforts.
"Have a quick win" Usage Examples
Let's focus on some smaller tasks first so we can have a quick win before tackling the larger project.
By implementing this new feature, we can have a quick win that will impress our clients.
Our team is working hard to have a quick win this quarter to boost our overall performance.
During the brainstorming session, we identified several areas where we could have a quick win.
To keep everyone motivated, we need to set some achievable goals that will allow us to have a quick win.
"Have a quick win" Explained
The phrase 'have a quick win' is often used in business and project management to refer to achieving a fast, easily attainable goal that can demonstrate progress and build morale. Its origins can be traced back to strategies aimed at fostering motivation and demonstrating capability, especially in environments where larger goals may seem daunting.