What does "In the loop" mean?

Here is a short explanation of what the phrase "In the loop" means.

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What does "In the loop" mean?

Being informed and up-to-date about a particular situation or topic.

When do you use "In the loop"?

Use this phrase when discussing participation in discussions, being part of a group that shares information, or when someone is kept informed about ongoing developments.

"In the loop" Usage Examples

  1. Make sure you keep me in the loop regarding the project updates.
  1. I appreciate you keeping me in the loop; it helps me stay aligned with the team's goals.
  1. During the meeting, I felt out of the loop because I hadn't been informed about the changes.
  1. If there are any changes to the schedule, please let me know so I can stay in the loop.
  1. The manager promised to keep everyone in the loop about the new policy changes.

"In the loop" Explained

The phrase 'in the loop' likely originates from the world of communication and information networks, suggesting that someone is part of a closed group or circuit where information flows freely. It implies a sense of inclusion in decision-making processes or awareness of developments.

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