What does "Circle back" mean?

Here is a short explanation of what the phrase "Circle back" means.

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What does "Circle back" mean?

To return to a previous topic or discussion after addressing other matters.

When do you use "Circle back"?

Use this phrase when you want to indicate that you will return to a previous subject later in the conversation or after other topics have been addressed. It is often used in professional settings, especially in meetings or discussions.

"Circle back" Usage Examples

  1. Let's circle back to the budget discussion after we finish the project updates.
  1. I need to gather more information before we can circle back to that proposal.
  1. Can we circle back to the issue of team responsibilities later in the meeting?
  1. After we address the urgent matters, we can circle back and review the feedback.
  1. I appreciate your input; let's circle back to that topic next week.

"Circle back" Explained

The phrase 'circle back' likely originates from the concept of circling around to revisit a point or topic, similar to how one might physically circle back to a location after traveling away from it. It has gained popularity in business and professional contexts, particularly in meetings and conversations where multiple topics are discussed.

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