What does "Run with it" mean?

Here is a short explanation of what the phrase "Run with it" means.

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What does "Run with it" mean?

To proceed with an idea or plan, often taking initiative and acting on it without hesitation.

When do you use "Run with it"?

This phrase is appropriate in professional or casual settings when discussing ideas, projects, or initiatives that can be developed or acted upon. It is often used to encourage someone to take charge of a suggestion or to indicate that one is willing to take responsibility for a project.

"Run with it" Usage Examples

  1. I think we have a solid marketing strategy; let's run with it and see how it performs.
  1. If you believe this idea can work, go ahead and run with it!
  1. She presented a great concept during the meeting, and the team decided to run with it.
  1. We've got the green light for the project, so let's run with it and get started right away.
  1. He suggested a new approach to the problem, and I told him to run with it.

"Run with it" Explained

The phrase 'run with it' likely stems from the idea of taking something (an idea or opportunity) and moving forward energetically, much like how one would run with a physical object. It conveys a sense of taking ownership and proactive action, suggesting that once an idea is proposed, one should not linger but instead take decisive steps to implement it.

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