What does "No stone unturned" mean?

Here is a short explanation of what the phrase "No stone unturned" means.

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What does "No stone unturned" mean?

To leave no stone unturned means to search thoroughly and exhaustively for something or to ensure that every possible option has been considered.

When do you use "No stone unturned"?

This phrase is appropriate when discussing efforts to find a solution, conduct a thorough investigation, or when emphasizing the extent to which someone will go to achieve a specific outcome.

"No stone unturned" Usage Examples

  1. The detective left no stone unturned in his investigation of the crime scene.
  1. In preparing for the presentation, she left no stone unturned to ensure all data was accurate.
  1. The team left no stone unturned in their efforts to secure funding for the new project.
  1. He promised to leave no stone unturned in finding the best treatment for his illness.
  1. The students left no stone unturned while researching for their final project.

"No stone unturned" Explained

The phrase is believed to have originated from the ancient Greek poet and philosopher, Aeschylus, who used a similar expression in his works. The literal imagery suggests a meticulous search in which one would turn over every stone in pursuit of a goal or truth. It emphasizes determination and the idea of not overlooking any possibilities.

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