What does "Go hand in hand" mean?

Here is a short explanation of what the phrase "Go hand in hand" means.

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What does "Go hand in hand" mean?

To go hand in hand means to exist or occur together; to be closely related or connected.

When do you use "Go hand in hand"?

Use this phrase when discussing two ideas, actions, or phenomena that are closely linked or that typically occur together. It is often appropriate in contexts relating to relationships, collaboration, or correlated outcomes.

"Go hand in hand" Usage Examples

  1. Success and hard work often go hand in hand.
  1. In the world of technology, innovation and competition go hand in hand.
  1. Education and opportunity go hand in hand, providing a pathway to success.
  1. In many cultures, family values and traditions go hand in hand.
  1. Sustainability and economic growth must go hand in hand for a better future.

"Go hand in hand" Explained

The phrase 'go hand in hand' is believed to have originated from the literal act of two people walking together, holding hands. This imagery represents a close partnership or a strong connection between two entities. Over time, it has evolved to describe various concepts, phenomena, or actions that are interdependent or complement each other.

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