What does "Open the kimono" mean?

Here is a short explanation of what the phrase "Open the kimono" means.

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What does "Open the kimono" mean?

To reveal or disclose information, particularly sensitive or confidential details.

When do you use "Open the kimono"?

This phrase is appropriate in business or informal settings when discussing the act of sharing important information, strategies, or insights, especially in contexts that require transparency or honesty.

"Open the kimono" Usage Examples

  1. In our next meeting, we need to open the kimono and discuss the project’s financials.
  1. The CEO decided to open the kimono to the board, revealing the challenges the company is facing.
  1. If we want to build trust with our clients, we should open the kimono about our processes and methodologies.
  1. During the negotiation, it was crucial for both parties to open the kimono to find common ground.
  1. Before we proceed with the merger, let's open the kimono and share all relevant information with each other.

"Open the kimono" Explained

The phrase 'open the kimono' originated in the business world, particularly in the 1990s, and is thought to have its roots in Japanese culture, where a kimono is a traditional garment. The expression metaphorically suggests revealing one’s inner self or the 'truth' behind a situation, similar to how opening a kimono would expose what is underneath. However, the phrase has faced criticism for cultural appropriation and insensitivity.

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