What does "It’s a no-brainer" mean?

Here is a short explanation of what the phrase "It’s a no-brainer" means.

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What does "It’s a no-brainer" mean?

A situation or decision that is so obvious that it requires little or no thought.

When do you use "It’s a no-brainer"?

This phrase is appropriate in contexts where a choice or decision is overwhelmingly clear, such as in discussions about easy options, obvious conclusions, or straightforward solutions.

"It’s a no-brainer" Usage Examples

  1. Choosing to invest in a company with a solid track record was a no-brainer for the investors.
  1. When the team reviewed the proposal, they all agreed that accepting the deal was a no-brainer.
  1. For someone who loves adventure, going on that trip was a no-brainer.
  1. The decision to upgrade our software was a no-brainer given the numerous benefits it promised.
  1. With such a low price for the concert tickets, it was a no-brainer to buy them immediately.

"It’s a no-brainer" Explained

The phrase 'it's a no-brainer' likely originated in the late 20th century, especially in the fields of business and marketing. It suggests that the decision is so clear-cut that one does not need to engage their brain to make a choice, implying that the answer is evident and requires minimal cognitive effort.

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