What does "Put a pin in it" mean?

Here is a short explanation of what the phrase "Put a pin in it" means.

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What does "Put a pin in it" mean?

To 'put a pin in it' means to temporarily pause or set aside a discussion or idea for later consideration.

When do you use "Put a pin in it"?

This phrase is appropriate in meetings, discussions, or brainstorming sessions when a topic or idea is deemed significant but cannot be fully addressed at that time, allowing participants to focus on more immediate concerns.

"Put a pin in it" Usage Examples

  1. Let's put a pin in that idea for now and revisit it during our next meeting.
  1. I think we should put a pin in this topic until we have more information.
  1. We can put a pin in the budget discussion and move on to the project timeline.
  1. Can we put a pin in this conversation? I need to check some facts first.
  1. It's important, but let's put a pin in it and come back to it later.

"Put a pin in it" Explained

The phrase likely originates from the practice of using pins to hold pieces of fabric or paper in place, indicating that something is being marked for future reference. It suggests that while the topic is not being addressed at the moment, it is still important and will be revisited later.

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