To put in a lot of effort and hard work to accomplish something.
When do you use "Put your shoulder to the wheel"?
This phrase is appropriate in contexts where encouragement or motivation is needed to undertake a challenging task or project, especially when teamwork and diligence are required.
"Put your shoulder to the wheel" Usage Examples
As we prepare for the big presentation, let's put our shoulders to the wheel and work together.
If we want to finish the project on time, we all need to put our shoulders to the wheel.
The community came together to put their shoulders to the wheel and rebuild the park after the storm.
It's time to put your shoulder to the wheel and start studying for your exams.
To achieve our sales target this quarter, every team member must put their shoulder to the wheel.
"Put your shoulder to the wheel" Explained
The phrase 'put your shoulder to the wheel' originates from the imagery of a person pushing against a wheel to help it turn, which represents effort and labor. Historically, this phrase highlights the importance of hard work in achieving goals, particularly in contexts where teamwork and collective effort are needed.