What does "Shoot for the stars" mean?

Here is a short explanation of what the phrase "Shoot for the stars" means.

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What does "Shoot for the stars" mean?

To aim for high goals or ambitious achievements.

When do you use "Shoot for the stars"?

This phrase is appropriate when encouraging someone to pursue their dreams, set high goals, or when discussing ambition and aspirations in personal or professional contexts.

"Shoot for the stars" Usage Examples

  1. Even though the project seems daunting, I believe we should shoot for the stars and see what we can accomplish.
  1. She always tells her students to shoot for the stars, no matter how challenging their goals may appear.
  1. When starting a new business, it's important to shoot for the stars and not limit your potential.
  1. He decided to shoot for the stars by applying for his dream job, even though he thought he might not get it.
  1. The coach encouraged the team to shoot for the stars and aim for the championships this year.

"Shoot for the stars" Explained

The phrase 'shoot for the stars' suggests that one should set lofty goals and strive for greatness. The imagery comes from the idea of aiming a projectile (like a bullet or an arrow) towards the stars, which are far away and seemingly unreachable. This reflects the notion of aspiring to achieve something that may seem impossible, encouraging individuals to pursue their dreams and ambitions without limitation.

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