To bring to the table means to provide or contribute something valuable in a discussion or negotiation.
When do you use "Bring to the table"?
Use this phrase in professional or collaborative contexts, such as business meetings, negotiations, or team projects, to highlight the importance of contributions from different individuals.
"Bring to the table" Usage Examples
During the meeting, everyone was asked to bring their ideas to the table.
What skills do you bring to the table that would benefit our project?
In negotiations, it's crucial to understand what each party can bring to the table.
She has a lot of experience in marketing that she can bring to the table.
Let's discuss what each team member can bring to the table for the upcoming launch.
"Bring to the table" Explained
The phrase 'bring to the table' likely originates from the literal act of bringing items (like food, documents, or ideas) to a physical table where discussions or negotiations occur, symbolizing collaboration and contribution. It emphasizes the importance of each participant's input in achieving a common goal.