What does "Think big" mean?

Here is a short explanation of what the phrase "Think big" means.

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What does "Think big" mean?

To envision or pursue ambitious goals and aspirations.

When do you use "Think big"?

Use this phrase when encouraging someone to adopt a more ambitious mindset, particularly in business, personal development, or creative endeavors.

"Think big" Usage Examples

  1. If you want to succeed in the tech industry, you need to think big and innovate.
  1. The project may seem daunting, but remember to think big; great ideas often come from bold visions.
  1. She always advises her students to think big and not limit themselves to conventional paths.
  1. In order to make a real impact, leaders must think big and inspire others to do the same.
  1. During the brainstorming session, the team was encouraged to think big and explore groundbreaking concepts.

"Think big" Explained

The phrase 'think big' emphasizes the importance of having a broad perspective and aiming for high achievements. It gained popularity in the late 20th century, particularly in business and motivational contexts, encouraging individuals and organizations to expand their horizons rather than settling for mediocrity.

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