What does "Touch base" mean?

Here is a short explanation of what the phrase "Touch base" means.

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What does "Touch base" mean?

To make contact or communicate with someone, typically to update or check in on a situation.

When do you use "Touch base"?

This phrase is appropriate in professional or informal settings when you want to suggest a brief communication or meeting to catch up on progress or share updates.

"Touch base" Usage Examples

  1. Let's touch base next week to discuss the project's progress.
  1. I need to touch base with the marketing team before the campaign launch.
  1. Can we touch base after the meeting to go over the action items?
  1. I just wanted to touch base and see how you're doing with the new software.
  1. Please touch base with me if you have any questions about the report.

"Touch base" Explained

The phrase 'touch base' originates from baseball terminology, where players touch the bases to ensure they are safe and to maintain their progress in the game. Over time, the phrase evolved into a metaphor for checking in with someone to ensure everything is on track or to exchange important information.

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